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Our Manchester Hub Earth Day 2024 Commitment 

The Manchester Hub has successfully driven a Smart Building programme across all our Manchester commercial office properties since 2020. The programme has produced excellent energy savings in gas and electricity usage, However our commitment for Earth Day 2024 is to continue to drive these savings on our Journey to support our Landlord ESG goals and become Carbon Neutral by 2040 in addition to providing value for money for all our Occupiers.

The next phase will be piloted at our largest and highest occupancy property at 11 Portland Street. We will commence a project to integrate BMS and plant room systems to achieve a more reactive approach to energy use in the property. Heating and cooling systems will be able to adjust to accurate zoning requirements based on occupancy levels across occupier floor plates and communal areas.

Full information on the next phase is available here.

If you would like to discuss this project or any other ESG initiatives please do get in touch with your Building Management or any of our Hub Management Team.

Book now

Mon, 04 24, 12:00PM

11 Portland Street

Email Tanya Cheetham to register your interest in this event: