Treat yourself to a 20-minute self care and awareness session on World Mental Health Day

Julie Silver will be returning to the Manchester Hub this World Mental Health Day with a combination of self care offerings to support our occupiers on Thursday October 10th.

Attend one of the below 20-minute seminars in the lounge at 11 York Street. 

Increase Energy & Calm the Nervous System 10:30am or 13:00pm

Julie will be incorporating simple, easy and enjoyable self care exercises based on ancient traditions to stimulate energy and revitalisation for better health and maximum wellbeing. Helping to lower stress levels, improve sleep quality, reduce inflammation as well as calm the nervous system and feel better generally.

Sleep & Stress Management 11:00am or 13:30pm

Julie will show you simple things you can do during the day, what foods and routines you may want to follow to encourage a more satisfying and health promoting sleep. Stress management and relaxation techniques will be practiced in the session which may help to lower stress levels, improve your health and feel more revitalised.

Alternatively, book in a 10-minute mini massage or Reiki healing session to revitalize yourself during your working day.


To book an appointment please contact tanya.cheetham@cushwake.com

Book now

Thu, 10 24, 10:00AM

11 York Street

Email Tanya Cheetham to register your interest in this event: